C5BDI Highlights Team Member, Colton Watkins!

Today we’d like to take a few minutes to highlight our team member, Colton Watkins! Coming up on his 2nd year with the company (in December), Colton is one of our consultants for C5BDI and someone many of our clients work with on a regular basis. Like many of...

C5BDI Highlights Team Member, Chase Owens!

In today’s employee highlight, we’d like to take a few minutes and spotlight Chase Owens! Chase is one of our Proposal Ninjas and has been with the company for 4 years (since November 2018)! Like his father and grandfather before him, Chase served in the...

C5BDI Highlights Team Member, Tina Bove!

Today we want to highlight one of our valued team members, Tina Bove. She is the Director of our Capture team and has been a part of our company since late 2019. Tina is a Navy veteran who initially joined the military to pay for college and proceeded to attend the...

C5BDI Highlights Team Member, Mark Longe!

Happy Friday again, we hope your week has been a good one! Today C5BDI wants to briefly highlight our COO, Mark Longe, who has been a part of C5BDI since day 1! Mark is a big fan of Jet Skiing and actually partakes in the activity most when visiting Lake Champlain in...

C5BDI Highlights Team Member, James Mershon!

In today’s team member highlight, we’d like to spotlight C5BDI’s, James Mershon! James is our Commercialization Yoda and is one of C5BDI’s first team members, joining the company at the end of 2016.  To give you a little background on James, in...