SBIR Phase III Awarded Through C5BDI Connection!

SBIR Phase III Awarded Through C5BDI Connection!

C5BDI is driving forward with a #SBIR #PIII this time connecting a Virginia Beach, VA small business with Naval Sea Systems Command #NAVSEA with an agile-model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and innovative cybersecurity engineering solution.

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C5BDI Connects Beverly Hills CA Small Business in Gov’t Contract

C5BDI Connects Beverly Hills CA Small Business in Gov’t Contract

C5BDI is proud to help a Beverly Hills, CA #WOSB connect with the #TXANG in providing disaster relief for Unites States and AFRICOM end-users with their newest, #NextGen “Mobile MED” innovation – a scalable mobile modular medical facility that provides rapid emergency aid and disaster response capabilities.

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VA Small Business Gets SBIR Phase I w/ USAF from C5BDI Connection!

VA Small Business Gets SBIR Phase I w/ USAF from C5BDI Connection!

C5BDI is at it again, helping a Northern Virginia #NCR based small business win an Air Force Phase I #SBIR for their ethical trust calibration for lethal autonomous robots. This work will extend and enhance a practical methodology for calibrating “ethical trust” in robots, building on prior development of methods and tools for calibrating “capability trust” in autonomous robotic systems.

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VA Small Business Wins Phase I Through C5BDI Connection!

VA Small Business Wins Phase I Through C5BDI Connection!

C5BDI is at it again, this time helping a Virginia Beach, VA-based small business win a Phase I #STTR with #ODU to rapidly equip the #USAF with a first-of-its-kind ultra-light rebreather for military operations. This rebreather is a multi-environment rebreather that provides 100% Oxygen physiological support for SOF High Altitude missions and supports in aircraft operations at 20,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) and above or long exposure at altitude or rapid pressure changes.

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C5BDI Giveback to HALOS!

C5BDI Giveback to HALOS!

Our pay it forward, C5BDI giveback continues in supporting Halos. Halos’ mission is to promote safe and nurturing homes for children in kinship care — where a child is being raised by loved ones when their parents are unable to do so.

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C5BDI Connects San Diego Small Business in SBIR Phase I

C5BDI Connects San Diego Small Business in SBIR Phase I

AFWERX Phase I SBIRs are falling from the sky with yet another win with our client based in San Diego, CA! Their solution will promote an integrated patient-family care network and adversity management capability. This innovative smart application augments and automates existing Air Combat Command (ACC) & Airmen Support Team (AST) programming efforts.

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C5BDI Giveback to Project Rescue!

C5BDI Giveback to Project Rescue!

Project Rescue helps in restoring hope to survivors of sexual exploitation and their multinational network of partners are committed to seeing Hope restored for those survivors. If you want to learn more or donate to their cause, click on the link below

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