C5BDI connects USAF and Brooklyn, NY small business for JIT Multi-Mission Warfighter Contract with Air Force Warfighter Integration Center (AFWIC) and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). The 711th Human Performance Wing of AFRL in collaboration with the Disruptive...
C5BDI connects NATO & Hampton Roads, VA small business for HQ SACT TACTIS II contract. This effort includes contract support to establish the conditions in which SACT has timely access to the leading-edge capabilities necessary to tackle challenges and problems...
C5BDI connects USAF and Hampton Roads, VA based small business for an AFWERX SBIR Phase I to provide an Application Programming Interface (API) and Cloud AI to train, deploy, and maintain scalable machine learning models for Cyberspace Operations (CO) based on Special...
C5BDI connects USAF AFWERX and Reno, NV small business for SBIR Phase I for an autonomous, amphibious (air-sea-land) aircraft capable of deployment virtually anywhere: land, water, ice, rural, urban, desolate environment, etc. This aircraft holds several key...
C5BDI connects Concord, CA small business and the United States Air Force for an AFWERX Open Call Phase I SBIR. This effort provides the USAF with a technology to establish an online gaming environment for robotics and AI-based competition and education. There will be...
Our pay it forward, C5BDI giveback continues! Our team recently committed resources and funding to support the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore – Member of #FeedingAmerica #FederationofVirginiaFoodbanks. Thank you very much to Tina Bove...