Apr 30, 2018 | International & Europe
We are excited today to announce another client win! This time for our colleagues from Munich, Germany, aditerna GmbH. aditerna is a high-quality service provider for IT projects. aditerna is renowned for its integrated approach of solving customer needs, taking into...
Aug 10, 2017 | International & Europe
Next stop on the C5BDI EU BD Tour included Dresden, Germany. After visiting Denmark and Sweden, we headed back down south. Our previous encounters in Germany at Hamburg and Hannover/Kiel were very fruitful and we were looking to build on them. The beautiful city of...
Jul 23, 2017 | International & Europe
Dodging the G20 summit raucous our team found Hamburg quiet and settled down as we rolled into Hamburg, Germany. Although the city was recovering from an unfortunate weekend of violence and protest, the people were just as optimistic and cheerful as ever. We had great...
Jul 17, 2017 | International & Europe
The C5BDI BD EU tour moved on last week to Hannover & Kiel Germany. Stops included checking in with personnel and our German network via follow-ups from Hannover Messe and Hamburg’s SMM. Thank you to our C5BDI EU Team for the warm welcome and introductions to...