Another SBIR Phase III Connection With USAF

Another USAF SBIR Phase III – C5BDI connects a New York, NY virtual reality (VR) company with a Phase III SBIR contract with USAF Air Education and Training Command (AETC). This sole source contracting action will provide AETC with a robust Immersive Training...

Networked, Collaborative Weapon Swarms CONOPS & TTPs

C5 connects another SB with USAF! A rapidly growing small business based in Northern Virginia was awarded a Phase I small business innovation research (SBIR) contract by the US Air Force to design concepts of operation (CONOPs) and tactics, techniques, and procedures...

Understanding the Voice of the Airmen

C5BDI connects yet another South Bend, IN small business with a Phase I small business technology transfer #STTR contract with the #USAF to better understand the #VoiceoftheAirmen. Hidden in #bigdata sets are answers to strategic problems, and this effort will...

Streamlining USAF/DoD Data

C5BDI connects a South Bend, IN #HUBZone small business with a Phase I small business technology transfer #STTR contract with the US Air Force. This innovation will enable the fastest, most cost effective, and #scalable method to streamline Air Force data [images,...