AFWERX STTR Phase II Contract Won Through C5BDI Connection
C5BDI connects USAF & South Bend, IN small business for an AFWERX STTR Phase II contract. This tech gives customers the confidence to leverage the cloud by knowing that their infrastructure is secure and that critical issues will be detected, analyzed, and remediated in a timely manner.
C5BDI Connects A Small Business w/ USAF for Phase III SBIR!
C5BDI connects the USAF & a NY small business for another SBIR Phase III contract. This effort stems from an original AFWERX SBIR Phase I, then Phase II.
C5BDI Giveback to Physicians For Peace!
Our pay it forward, C5BDI giveback continues! Our team recently committed resources and funding to support Physicians For Peace. Physicians for Peace delivers education/training to healthcare workers in under-resourced communities, to expand their skillsets/medical knowledge base.
C5BDI Connects SBIR Phase III w/ AR/VR/MxR Training!
It's raining SBIR Phase III's again! C5BDI connects US Air Force (USAF) multi-platform flight customers and New York, NY small business on the unicorn SBIR Phase III contract. This effort is another task order off an already existing Phase III vehicle. Work includes...
SBIR/STTR 101 Workshop on April 27th!
Want to learn how to leverage Govt R&D funds to build out your tech!? Join our friends 757 Collab, Mid-Atlantic Tech Bridge, TASC, and other colleagues in the field as they discuss how to successfully navigate through SBIR and STTR's. Reserve your spot for April...
C5BDI Giveback to ForKids: To Help Those In Need in VA
Our pay it forward, C5BDI giveback continues! Our team recently committed resources and funding to support For Kids. Thank you very much to Tina Bove from our team for recommending such an outstanding cause. The ForKids mission is to break the cycle of homelessness...
C5BDI Connects VA/NY Small Businesses to OTA Contract!
C5BDI connects US Army, Northern VA & New York, NY small businesses, and a large defense contractor for an Army Other Transaction Authority (OTA) contract. This effort includes performing research, development, modeling, and simulation (M&S) and analysis of...
Giveback to Vet First & Their Support of Local Foodbanks
Our pay it forward, C5BDI giveback continues! Our team recently committed resources and funding to support Vet First. Thank you very much to our founders Cierra and Michael Weatherly from our team for recommending such an outstanding cause. Vet First, Inc. (Vet First)...
Direct to Phase II Win in Support of USAF for VR/AR!
C5BDI connects Hampton Roads, VA small business, New York, NY small business and the United States Air Force on a Direct to Phase II (D2P2) STTR contract. This effort includes an integration of multiple technologies to support the USAF in Augmented Reality / Virtual...
C5BDI Giveback – Project Sweet Peas
Our pay it forward, C5BDI giveback continues! Our team recently committed resources and funding to support Project Sweet Peas. Thank you very much to Amanda Brown from our team for recommending such an outstanding cause. Project Sweet Peas' mission is to empower and...