Yellow Ribbon Fund Receives In Recent Giveback!

Yellow Ribbon Fund Receives In Recent Giveback!

C5BDI continues our giveback program with the Yellow Ribbon Fund which is a veteran service organization, 501(c)3 providing housing, transportation, and caregiver & family support to severely wounded, ill, and injured post-9/11 service members from every branch of the United States Military, following unexpected medical crises.

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C5BDI Highlights Team Member, Colton Watkins!

C5BDI Highlights Team Member, Colton Watkins!

Today we’d like to take a few minutes to highlight our team member, Colton Watkins! Coming up on his 2nd year with the company (in December), Colton is one of our consultants for C5BDI and someone many of our clients work with on a regular basis. Learn more about Colton in the post here!

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Clean Air Zone (CAZ) Wins a SBIR Phase I w/ USAF!

Clean Air Zone (CAZ) Wins a SBIR Phase I w/ USAF!

We are proud to share that Clean Air Zone (CAZ) won a SBIR Phase I with the US Air Force to develop a defense version of their commercial solution technology. CAZ is an air purification R&D company using advanced natural micro biotic enzyme technology to capture and destroy airborne contaminants. CAZ destroys pathogens, particles, and gases on-site directly in their devices. We are excited for CAZ and the ongoing work they will be doing to bring their commercial solution to the DoD!

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C5BDI Attending I/ITSEC 2022 from Nov 28th – Dec 2nd!

C5BDI Attending I/ITSEC 2022 from Nov 28th – Dec 2nd!

C5BDI’s Mark Longe, Ted Dennis, and Colton Watkins will be attending I/ITSEC 2022 conference from Nov 28th – Dec 2nd, 2022 in Orlando FL! I/ITSEC (The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference) is the world’s largest modeling, simulation, and training event. I/ITSEC consists of peer-reviewed paper presentations, tutorials, special events, professional workshops, a commercial exhibit hall, a serious games competition, and STEM events for teachers and secondary students.

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Samaritan’s Purse Receives In C5BDI Recent Giveback Program!

Samaritan’s Purse Receives In C5BDI Recent Giveback Program!

In C5BDI’s recent giveback, we donated to Samaritan’s Purse. Thank you to Tina Bove from the team who suggested this cause! Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people worldwide. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet the needs of victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine to share God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ.

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FREE Tech Talk Event w/ MATB Discussing NSIC on Dec 14th!

FREE Tech Talk Event w/ MATB Discussing NSIC on Dec 14th!

Our friends at Mid-Atlantic Tech Bridge (MATB) are hosting a new Tech Talk on December 14th! They’ll be discussing National Security Innovation Capital (NSIC) which is focused on next-generation hardware technologies for application to connected mobile and edge systems that support distributed operations in land, sea, air, and space domains.

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C5BDI Highlights Team Member, Chase Owens!

C5BDI Highlights Team Member, Chase Owens!

In today’s employee highlight, we’d like to take a few minutes and spotlight Chase Owens! Chase is one of our Proposal Ninjas and has been with the company for 4-years (having started in November 2018)! Learn more about Chase in the post below!

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C5BDI Connects IN Small Business w/ SpaceWERX Orbital Prime!

C5BDI Connects IN Small Business w/ SpaceWERX Orbital Prime!

C5BDI is proud to announce another successful connection! An Indiana small business was awarded a contract with SpaceWERX Orbital Prime. This win will help USSF focus on tokenization for space debris to secure the process of substituting a sensitive data element with a non-sensitive equivalent with no intrinsic or exploitable meaning or value.

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Ecco Adesso + Vet First Inc. 5K & 10K Charity Run This Weekend!

Ecco Adesso + Vet First Inc. 5K & 10K Charity Run This Weekend!

Our friends over at Ecco Adeso and Vet First have a charity 5K & 10K run this weekend (hosted by Bishops Events)! The event is on Sunday, Nov 6th, at Ecco Adesso, and takes place from 10 am – 1 pm. This is the first annual 5K & 10K hosted by Ecco Adesso, which will take place at the vineyard on a wonderful fall Saturday morning. So pack up your running shoes and come join us!

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