Thank you for partaking in C5BDI’s October Phase III Month. We revealed 22 recent DoD/small business connections for $495,650,000 in SBIR Phase III’s including 13 (USN/USMC), 7 (USAF), 1 (Army) and 1 (Multiple DoD customers). Those contracts stemmed from 14 (AFWERX), 4 (via acquisition), 3 (USN/USMC) and 1 (DARPA) awards with more coming from Phase I than Phase II. That’s what we call 18 ‘non-traditional’ Phase III’s. Just outstanding to see this program getting a true Return On Investment (ROI) for Taxpayer R&D Dollars. October is over, but the C5BDI SBIR Phase III posts are not! Stay tuned and contact your nearest C5BDI specialist for more information today.

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