Jul 14, 2017 | International & Europe
Robotics, MedTech & AI – Oh My!!! – Our Business Development Europe trip continued last week through Den Haag (aka The Hague) and Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Meetings and business development discussions included the continuation of revolutionizing and...
Jul 8, 2017 | International & Europe
Luxembourg Innovation – Thank you to all of the government officials, NATO representatives and industry partners that met with C5BDI last week. Leaving Brussels, the C5BDI train rolled on to Luxembourg. It was a busy but productive day in and around town....
Jul 7, 2017 | International & Europe
Thank you to all NATO representatives, clusters and industry partners who took time to meet with our C5BDI staff in Brussels, Belgium last week. We are looking forward to strategic partnering, supporting our forces and working together to innovate in both the...
Jul 4, 2017 | International & Europe
Last week, C5BDI attended the 2017 European Union (EU)/Taiwan Industry of the Future Conference in Brussels, Belgium. The Event was a joint initiative and sponsored by the European Commission, the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), the Department of Industrial Technology...