C5BDI is pleased to help South Bend, IN #HUBZone #SB win a Phase II SBIR supporting the Air Force Special Operations Command #AFSOC in tandem with the Multiple Unified Simulation Environment #MUSE flight simulation system for #UAS #RPA platforms and its associated US Air Force Synthetic Environment for Reconnaissance and Surveillance #AFSERS training programs. This Phase II will result in a #prototype for an innovative “Replatform and Refactor” operational training infrastructure #OTI.

By implementing automated provisions and decoupled state storage, MUSE/AFSERS can be delivered to AFSOC end-users in a software-as-a-service #SaaS experience, aptly called, “AFSERS Cloud Experience”. The AFSERS Cloud Experience will rapidly enable training administrators to launch a training cluster from a web application with just a few clicks. Moving to the cloud and refactoring the application will yield increased uptime/availability, faster feature delivery, and decreased costs.

If you have an interest in getting into government contracting, ask C5BDI today for how to get started, we’d love to help get you there!

#A2 #RapidAcquisition #DoD #NATO #AWS #AFSOC #Simulation #MUSE #AFSERS #SBIR #PhaseII #SBIRPhaseII #AirForceSpecialOperationsCommand #USAirForce #C5BDI #C5BDIConnects 


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