SBIR Phase III doesn’t always have to mean gigantic multi-million dollar contracts, as you have seen us highlighting over the past few weeks during this C5BDI October SBIR Phase III Month. Phase III can also mean small contracts, as long as the technology derives from, extends or logically concludes efforts from Phase I and II, and meets Warfighter needs. This week we will highlight some recent Phase III’s of smaller value, but still of great importance. After all, big things come in small packages! Today we celebrate a recent $1M Phase III in which we connected a USAF customer out of Beale AFB with a Boulder, CO small business training company. This SBIR tech originated from the AFWERX Open Call and for this effort, the contractor is currently developing and providing training curriculum that addresses military life and stress (day-to-day and operational/work environments, deployments, family separation) for all types of AF personnel (Airmen, Civilians, and Family Members). The training tech focuses on increased resilience among these audiences by teaching applicable skills for building of optimal performance through the self-regulation of stress.

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