Our pay it forward, C5BDI giveback continues! Our team recently committed resources and funding to support the Great Bike Giveaway. Thank you very much to Melaina Murray from our team for recommending such an outstanding cause. Every child deserves a bike! Riding a bike is a treasured childhood experience. Sadly, many children with special needs miss out on this opportunity. Friendship Circle’s Great Bike Giveaway provides an opportunity to win a bike as well as provides a fundraising platform for friends and family members. The Great Bike Giveaway gives a child with special needs the experience, joy, and independence of riding a special bike.
Visit their website to learn more about the impact they are having on special needs children and their organization https://www.greatbikegiveaway.com/.
#GreatBikeGiveaway #Charity #Donations #C5BDI #C5BDIGiveback #ChildrenInNeed #SpecialNeeds #Family
Andrew Frech is the head of marketing for C5BDI and has been working under the company since the beginning of 2022. Andrew previously worked in the real estate field, beginning his career as a Realtor at 22, then transitioning to Homes.com to take over as their head of marketing for Social Fuel, a marketing solution for real estate agents. Andrew currently works as the head of marketing for companies C5BDI, Vet First Inc., and Sports Innovation X.